2024 SSGN Pigeon Guillemot Breeding Survey End of Season Celebration
October 2, 2024
We had a wonderful End of Season Celebration via Zoom last night! It great to see everyone who attended! Huge thanks to Dave Krause for analyzing and presenting our data, and to Robb Kaler, for speaking to us about PIGU and other seabird population recovering from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Prince William Sound. We also debuted a video that showcased the stars of our labor of love--our surveyors and our PIGU in 2024. It's a must see!
In case you weren't able to join us, you can watch all or portions of the event in the videos below.
Thank you all for another amazing season surveying our favorite birds!! We'll see you next year!
In case you weren't able to join us, you can watch all or portions of the event in the videos below.
Thank you all for another amazing season surveying our favorite birds!! We'll see you next year!
Full Event
Special Video Presentation - This is SSGN
2024 Data Presentation with Dave Krause
Guest Speaker, Robb Kaler
Guest Speaker, Garry Squires - Geology of a PIGU Breeding Bluff September 04, 2024
This is video is an excerpt from our September 2024 SSGN Meeting. Garry is a professional geologist/ civil engineer with a Bachelor’s degree in geology from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, and a Master’s degree in civil engineering (geotechnical) from the University of Washington. Retired in 2017 after a career that included five years as a mining geologist in Africa, and 30 years as a geotechnical engineering consultant in the Pacific Northwest. He also surveys Pigeon Guillemots as part of the Burfoot Park team in the South Sound region.
Thank you, Garry, for sharing your insights into the bluffs in which Pigeon Guillemots choose to breed!
Thank you, Garry, for sharing your insights into the bluffs in which Pigeon Guillemots choose to breed!
2024 End of Season Celebration - Save the Date!
Mark your calendars and join us on October 2nd as we celebrate our PIGU and you! This is our time to connect with fellow surveyors from across the network and see the results of our collective efforts! Plus, we're excited to welcome, Robb Kaler, from the USFWS Alaska Region, to tell us about PIGU populations in Prince William Sound, post Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, and what kinds of monitoring and work has been done since that disaster occurred. We hope to see you there!
Whidbey's Guillemot Appreciation Day - June 28, 2024
The Whidbey Survey Coordinators put on a fabulous Guillemot Appreciation Day Celebration at the Ott and Hunter Winery! Here is a glimpse of the fun we we had!
Cathi Bower's photos:
Govinda Holtby's photos:
Shannon Boldt's photos:
It's the Pigeon, Pigeon, Pigeon, Pigeon Guillemot!
Join us for International Guillemot Appreciation Day 2024!
Everyone is invited!! We would love to see you and celebrate our shared love of the Guillemots together! We hope you can make it!
2023 SSGN End of Season Celebration
On September 28th, we celebrated the successful end to our 20th year of Pigeon Guillemot Breeding Surveys!!
We came together as a collective group to share stories, photos, and videos from the different survey regions across the Salish Sea. The evening reminded us that although every region has its own unique attributes and highlights, we are connected through our love of the guillemots and Puget Sound, as well as our dedication to monitoring the birds and providing solid data to those tracking their health. We understand the importance of doing so in the overarching goal of conservation, and we are committed to continuing this incredible project for many more years to come. The focus of 2023 was to make a big push in gathering consistent and clean data, and getting it in on time--and we did just that! The effort that went into putting the process in motion and seeing it through was remarkable, and we were rewarded with a fabulous visual presentation of our data by Whidbey surveyor and data handler extraordinaire, Dave Krause. To top off the evening, we welcomed South Sound PIGU surveyor and author, Maria Ruth, to share her fascinating insight into the meanings of Pigeon Guillemot vocalizations and postural displays. Maria has left no stone unturned in preparation for her book on Pigeon Guillemots, and the depth of knowledge she has to share is extraordinary. We feel fortunate to have Maria among us! If you missed the event, or want to go back and rewatch moments, no worries, we've got you covered below. Enjoy!
We came together as a collective group to share stories, photos, and videos from the different survey regions across the Salish Sea. The evening reminded us that although every region has its own unique attributes and highlights, we are connected through our love of the guillemots and Puget Sound, as well as our dedication to monitoring the birds and providing solid data to those tracking their health. We understand the importance of doing so in the overarching goal of conservation, and we are committed to continuing this incredible project for many more years to come. The focus of 2023 was to make a big push in gathering consistent and clean data, and getting it in on time--and we did just that! The effort that went into putting the process in motion and seeing it through was remarkable, and we were rewarded with a fabulous visual presentation of our data by Whidbey surveyor and data handler extraordinaire, Dave Krause. To top off the evening, we welcomed South Sound PIGU surveyor and author, Maria Ruth, to share her fascinating insight into the meanings of Pigeon Guillemot vocalizations and postural displays. Maria has left no stone unturned in preparation for her book on Pigeon Guillemots, and the depth of knowledge she has to share is extraordinary. We feel fortunate to have Maria among us! If you missed the event, or want to go back and rewatch moments, no worries, we've got you covered below. Enjoy!
SSGN 2023 End of Season Celebration: Full Video
SSGN 2023 Data Summary by Dave Krause
Maria Ruth on Pigeon Guillemot Vocalizations and Postural Displays - 2023
2024 PIGU Breeding Season Weekly Survey Updates
Volunteers, want to know what's happening each week across the network and get important reminders and updates? Find our SSGN weekly survey updates here. 2024 updates coming in June!
Brenda Johnson and Karin Ertl on podcast, "Nature Now" with Jackie Canterbury
Listen to Dr. Brenda Johnson, Regional Lead for the East Jefferson County Pigeon Guillemot Breeding Survey, and volunteer Karin Ertl as they speak with Jackie Canterbury on the KPTZ podcast production, "Nature Now". Brenda and Karin give a wonderful account of Pigeon Guillemots, why we study them, what it means to be a surveyor on the beach throughout their breeding season, and why we love them so.
Preliminary Data Report for 2022 Season
Presented at the End of Season Celebration October 5th, 2022. |

Salish Sea Guillemot Network End of Season Celebration - 2022
This recap of the 2022 Pigeon Guillemot Breeding Survey conducted by the Salish Sea Guillemot Network includes stories and impressions of the season from the various Regions, as well as preliminary results compared to the 2021 season. The guest speaker is Senior Marine Ecologist with Point Blue Conservation Science, Dr. Mike Johns. He discusses some long-term trends and new insights into the breeding and migratory behavior of Pigeon Guillemots on Southeast Farallon Island. Dr. Johns just wrapped up his 9th season on the Farallones, and he shares recent results from a 3-year telemetry study, along with the history of Point Blue’s 54-year legacy of seabird research on a remote offshore California outcropping.
His presentation begins 1 hr - 3 mins - 23 secs into the video.
This recap of the 2022 Pigeon Guillemot Breeding Survey conducted by the Salish Sea Guillemot Network includes stories and impressions of the season from the various Regions, as well as preliminary results compared to the 2021 season. The guest speaker is Senior Marine Ecologist with Point Blue Conservation Science, Dr. Mike Johns. He discusses some long-term trends and new insights into the breeding and migratory behavior of Pigeon Guillemots on Southeast Farallon Island. Dr. Johns just wrapped up his 9th season on the Farallones, and he shares recent results from a 3-year telemetry study, along with the history of Point Blue’s 54-year legacy of seabird research on a remote offshore California outcropping.
His presentation begins 1 hr - 3 mins - 23 secs into the video.
Join Us for Guillemot Appreciation Day 2022!
A fall resident: Govinda Holtby took these photos of a PIGU that's been hanging out at the Langley Marina. Govinda says, "He's been very vocal, giving the pigeons and gulls the 'what for'." That sounds fun to watch.
2021 End of Season Event Recordings
After a successful 2021 season we celebrated by gathering to share stories from across the network, hear about the season's data, and listen to a presentation from Scott Pearson, Senior Research Scientist at the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Watch both the data recap for the 2021 season and Dr. Pearson's presentation below.
Check out this wonderful article by Eric Wagner in "Salish Sea Currents" about our Pigeon Guillemot survey, and enjoy some background on Frances Wood, a founder of the Whidbey Island Pigeon Guillemot Survey:
Unsung Seabirds Could Help Track Puget Sound Health
Unsung Seabirds Could Help Track Puget Sound Health
New video details our community science survey on Whidbey Island, with stunning footage of our local Pigeon Guillemots.
Upcoming Trainings/Presentations
7/12/19-Training for volunteers on Bainbridge Island
5/30/19 Penny Creek Elementary's science fair day. (for 2nd grade enrolled classes)
5/11/19- Spring volunteer all day training for new survey area of Bainbridge Island. Time and place to be
5/9/19-Program feature for Eastide Audubon in Kirkland
5/8/19- that is Wednesday, May 8th, 2019- Spring Volunteer Training 6:30 p.m. Returning volunteers join us at 7:15 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Whidbey Island 20103 WA-525, Freeland, WA 98249
4/4/19- Sound Waters Stewards class (for SWS enrolled participants)
3/13/19- Presentation to the mountaineers group in Seattle 7-9 p.m. $5 at the door for non-members
See link below for details.
2018 Season included the installation of two burrow cameras; Langley Marina, and Mutiny Sands. We have a compilation of 4 slides documenting life inside the Pigeon Guillemot burrow.

- 10/4/18 End of season potluck at the Unitarian universalist church in Freeland 6 p.m. 20103 Hwy 525. Please bring a side dish to share
- 10/2/18 the Guillemot Research Group's intern will give a power point on her data findings over the summer.Marine Resources Committee 3:00 p.m. Room b-102 county annex building Coupeville
- 6/23/18 Guillemot Appreciation Day(s)! meet 8 a.m. at the TLC park & ride 18341 Hwy 525 to visit a Pigeon Guillemot Colony
- 6/2218 Guillemot Appreciation Day(s)! 3-5 p.m. at Ott&Murphy WInery (family friendly) 204 1st street Langley.
- 5/31/18 Penny Creek Elementary's Science Fair Day (for 2nd grade enrolled classes)
- 5/30/18 Volunteer training Vashon Island Public Library 6-7:30 p.m. 17210 Vashon Hwy SW
- 5/29/18 South Whidbey Elementary School (for 3rd grade enrolled class)
- 5/8/18 Spring Volunteer Training 6:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Whidbey Island 20103 WA-525, Freeland, WA 98249
- 4/5/18 Sound Waters Stewards class ( For SWS enrolled participants)
- 4/2/18 Washington Ornithological Society 7 p.m. 3501 NE 41st St Seattle, WA
- 2/3/18 Sound Waters one day university at SWHS 5675 Maxwelton Road, Langley WA
- 1/3/18 KPTZ Part 2 Nature Now radio show on Pigeon Guillemots (podcast available)
- 12/13/17 Port Townsend radio KPTZ Part 1 Nature Now radio show on Pigeon Guillemots (podcast available)
- 12/19/17 Rainier Audubon Society Chapter Meeting 7 p.m. Federal Way Methodist Church
A lovely stop motion animation from the Northwest Striats Foundation highlighting community science projects including Pigeon Guillemot study. Click on the Vimeo icon above.

Pigeon Guillemot adorns 2015-2016 Whidbey Telecom Phone book