Photo by Shannon Boldt
2024 Pigeon Guillemot Breeding Survey Data Results
Thank you to Dave Krause for crunching the data and providing us with these analyses!
Please note that at the time of analysis, not all surveyed colonies had reported their data. Some numbers may change.
Data Slideshow
For notes and explanations on the individual graphs, please see below.
You can watch Dave's presentation of this data here:
Caveat: this analysis assumes that any visit to a burrow represents an attempt to breed. It's possible that not all "no prey" burrow visits actually represent attempts to breed, therefore % successful breeding may be underestimated.
The "Gunnel" category includes Pacific Snake Prickleback.
Although Whidbey Island very likely has a larger population of PIGU than some other survey regions, these numbers are relative to the survey effort in each region and do not represent a population census. Population trends can only be analyzed by comparing against the same colonies from year to year.